2021 Wrap-up

St. Vincent de Paul Ozanam Center was blessed to receive so many various donations to give to our neighbors in the months of November and December 2021.

But you are our real blessing!

St. Peter’s Catholic Church Youth Group made goodie bags for all those in need.

Saint Agnes Saint Dominic made blessing bags.

St. Francis of Assisi St. Vincent de Paul with their generous parish did a giving tree to provide gift bags with hats, hygiene items and gift cards for fast food and bus passes.

St. Louis Conference provided 300 packs that had Christmas Cards, pens, toothpaste, bar of soap and a hand towel. Pictured here left to right are members Jack Borg and Rayford Haaga.

Madonna Circle Ladies volunteer every third Wednesday when school is in session.

They have provided several meals during 2021 including Thanksgiving. And support us with monetary donations.

Our kitchen manager Chef Eliot Wren cooked turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Yes, those are jalapenos on top, giving the turkeys just that little kick that are guests love. The meat just fell from the bone.

Our daily meals would never happen without Eliot   He is a blessing to our food mission and to our volunteers.  He has more talents than we can juggle!

Chef Leake with his culinary class from Southwest Community College prepared the entire meal for our neighbors in November.  It was amazing to see this team work together to create a yummy meal enjoyed by all.  Chef Leake is on the back row second to right.  The tallest fellow in the bunch!

One of our dear families that brings snacks every Saturday and donates meals several times a year is Nabin Pudasaini.  The meals he provides is from Local on the Square.  Please check them out.

The Indian Community for Greater Memphis has provided meals and other needs of the food mission throughout 2021 with grants they gave St. Vincent de Paul.  Thank you Priya and her husband Baschar for being a huge supporter of our food mission.  And many thanks to Suzanne and Larry Busby for creating this relationship.

Kirk from King Cotton provides meat on a regular basis and our neighbors love the hot dogs and sausages.

Rhodes College Food Recovery Program provides trays and trays of food on Wednesdays when they are in session. Thank you to Suzanne Busby for keeping that relationship going.

Chick-fil-A on Summer Avenue is part of a Food Recovery Network that donates chicken, mac n cheese, biscuits, salads and more every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Volunteer Odyssey is working great bringing in new volunteers and many become regulars.

Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul thank all our supporters and volunteers and all of the organizations which have provided grants for the food mission and operations of the Ozanam Center.  We pray you all had a wonderfully blessed Christmas and and may we all look forward to showing compassion and love for one another in 2022.  Happy New Year!

And now to close, a little number performed on the green space in November by the ladies of St. Agnes’ performing arts class:


Fall 2022 Update


June Update